Update situation Okt. 19 2023

Until further notice Nes Ammim Israel has suspended all its activities for the next coming weeks:

The November celebrations for the 60th anniversary of Nes Ammim in Israel have all been cancelled. In due course we will see what is possible in 2024.

The Nes Ammim Hotel is closed. For further information please contact the Hotel: reservations@nesammim.com/en

No volunteers can be hosted in Nes Ammim. All accepted volunteers, pending candidates and new applicants are requested to wait for further advice. If you have any questions, please contact hrm@nesammim.com

It is unclear whether the Explorer Programs can start in January and/or February. All those interested and those who have signed up, keep an eye on the website and social media for more information. 

No visitors in the village can be hosted at this time. For bookings already made and/or new inquiries for bookings, please contact the Village Manager, vs@nesammim.com.

For further updates, check our websites or social media.

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