Explorer program
Due to the situation, It is unclear when the Explorer Program can start. All those interested and those who have signed up, keep an eye on the website and social media for more information.
29-01-2024: Nes Ammim Israel Reopens for (short term) Volunteers. If you’re interested in making a positive impact or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at hrm@nesammim.com for more information about volunteering opportunities.
A new program is launched in 2024: the Explorer program. In this program you will not work as a volunteer and have minor study activities, but you will come for an intensive study program. We offer a 4 week program for all ages (18 – 70) from January 3rd until January 31st. On February 3rd we start the 3 month program for young adults (18-28), ending on April 20th.

For details on how to apply, please reach out to the Study leader: study@nesammim.com.