Vision and mission
Nes Ammim is an ecumenical Christian community where volunteers, locals and guests learn about the complex Israeli society, its religions and cultures. Nes Ammim strengthens Jewish-Christian relations and tries to develop Jewish-Christian-Muslim dialogue. It wants to support its Christian Arab brothers and sisters. Nes Ammim is a platform for interfaith, intercultural and interpersonal dialogue, for dialogue between people of Israel – Jewish, Palestinian Arab or otherwise, and for people from Europe and elsewhere, who want to listen and learn from each other.

We believe that Israel is a special country with a complex society, various religions and colorful cultures, of which we want to have a balanced picture that we want to share with others. We are linked to this country by the Bible and by history. We will not forget what happened in history, especially by the evil of Christian antisemitism.
We believe that through sincere dialogue, people can understand each other in a meaningful way. This leads to knowledge of the other, recognition of the other and hopefully also to a peaceful shared society.
Core Values
- Open. We want to be open to each other, for Jews and Arabs, and other people in all religions and cultures. We strive to be open to other opinions, even if they are different than ours. We like to be transparent and are willing to tell why we do what we do. Everyone who comes with peaceful intentions is welcome.
- Involved. We want to listen and to learn, because we feel involved. Therefore we are curious about what the other moves, about what the other is experiencing in life. We reach out to all people in Israeli society in its diversity. We want to provide a platform and make our village available for dialogue. We are also involved with each other, in our community. We work and eat together and spend our free time together. We do this with respect for the human dignity of the other. As a movement of volunteers ‘Nes Ammim, village of Dialogue’ aims to be, as our religion teaches us: ‘in peaceful co-existence’ with the other.
- Present. As a village and organization, we are prominent present in the Galilee, Israel. People know us more and more. We are known as the only Christian ‘kibbutz’ in Israel. In Europe many churches and people are interested in our work and feel attached to our ideas. Moreover, many people are applying to volunteer. In Israel, we have a lot of cooperation with other dialogue organizations.